Accounting Manager/ Comptroller
Virginia Hernandez
Gertrude Gootinan
Financial Consultant
Accounting Division:
Yap State governor Vincent Figir signed into law YSL 4-4 establishing
the Yap State Public Service Corporation (YSPSC) on March 9, 1995.
Seven boards of directors were appointed by the governor with the
advice and consent of the legislature. A General Manager and a controller
were recruited by the Board. One year later on April 1, 1996, the
Yap State Public Service Corporation broke away from the Yap State
Government independently from any financial assistance and operates
completely on its own revenue.
Trudy Turgen
Accounting Assistant
Jeffrey Wuthel
Payroll / Account Payable
Ignacia Garnog
Billing Supervisor
Shirley Laaw
Billing Cashier
Kathie Arukai
Billing Specialist
Billing Division:
The Billing Division is responsible for the operation and management
of the YSPSC Billing System. This involves managing customer readings,
processing monthly billings, and maintaining customer accounts.
Your frontline personnel when you enter the main office in Dalipyuy,
Rull. They will assist you for your payment.
'The Business Office can assist with Surveying and Planning for
Your Electric and Water Needs’
Contact YSPSC Customer Service and speak to a representative for
more information about the following services:
» New Hook Up or New Installation
» Disconnection and Reconnection
» Meter Separation or Meter Transfer
» Temporary/Permanent Power/Water/Sewer
» Power Pole Relocation
» Pre paid metering
Supply and Procurement Division:
This Division is responsible for all procurement requirements of
the whole YSPSC. The staff here handle all requisitions for the
procurement of goods or services from all departments in addition
to managing and publishing Requests for Proposals (RFPs) and negotiating
contracts with major contractors and suppliers. The Division maintains
inventory records and provides assistance for inventory management
at the power plant, water plant and at the central warehouse.
John Falmog
Supply Supervisor
Robert Rikin
Supply Clerk